Science Feed FAQs šŸ§Ŗ

What is the Science feed?

The science feed is a feed for professional scientists and science communicators to share factually accurate science themed material.

All posters must abide by our feed rules, which can be found under .

How do I post in the science feed?

Step 1

If you are here you probably already did this but the first step is to find the pinned post in the Science feed with the link to the FAQs and feed rules (this will be the second post down in the feed).

Under the pinned post, and linked here in the FAQs below, you will find links introductory posts from subject specific moderators.

Ask (preferably politely) the moderator most relevant to the topic you work in to be added by replying to their introductory post. You also need to provide evidence you are a professional scientist or science communicator. For a list of moderators and links to the posts to ask under, please see 'Which moderator do I ask?', below.

Please provide evidence of your work.

Please click through to the introductory post of the relevant moderator and reply to that post to be added. Replies directly to the pinned post will be ignored because they get out of control and make Dani cry.

Examples of some acceptable forms of evidence are below, but we will generally be reasonable in accepting relevant stuff:

Professional scientists (including postgraduate students):

  • Staff page
  • Scholar profile
  • ORCID number
  • ResearchGate profile
  • A link to a paper or thesis

Science communicators:

  • Link to your website
  • Link to books or articles you have written
  • Link to your shop
  • Link to an event you are running

Because we get so many requests a day, we have limited time to search for people. We much appreciate people posting a direct link rather than saying ā€˜see the link in my profileā€™ or ā€˜google meā€™. When you are adding 50-100 people at a time having the link directly speeds up the process a lot. Thanks!

Step 2

Once someone has confirmed they have added you to the list of contributors, you can use a test tube emoji on posts you want to appear in the feed.

Once you are added, it takes around 15 minutes before your posts start appearing in the feed.

Which moderator do I ask?

You can find a list of subjects and links to the moderator and posts to ask under below.

Biological Sciences


TimothƩe Poisot (
Ecologists! Evolutionary biologists! Biodiversity folks! Join the science feed! šŸ§Ŗ Reply to this post with a link to Google scholar, research gate, university/lab webpage, so I can add you!


Eryn McFarlane (
Iā€™m Eryn and I will be adding Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists to the science feed. Please respond below with evidence that you are an Eco/Evol scientist to be added to the feed. This moderation will be done in the same way as the general science feed šŸ§Ŗ. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience



Andrew G. Fulmer (
Hi! Iā€™m Andrew! Iā€™m going to be adding zoologists to the zoology feed. Please respond below with evidence that you are a zoologist in order to be added to the feed. Iā€™m excited to hear about what you do!

Biology - other

Erik McIntire (
Hi! Iā€™m Erik and Iā€™ll be helping with the moderation of the Science šŸ§Ŗ feed by adding biologists whose field isnā€™t covered by any of the other moderators. Please reply to this post with a link to a lab/google scholar/research gate/ORCID/etc page, to be added to the feed!

Environmental Sciences


Mae Saslaw (
Hi, Iā€™m adding geoscientists to the SciencešŸ§Ŗ feed! Reply here with links to your work (ORCID, Google Scholar, lab or department website, etc) and I will add you to the user list! Gneiss to meet you šŸŖØ



Hi all, Iā€™ll be adding chemists to the Bluesky science feed. Please respond below to be added with some evidence that youā€™re a real live chemist (website, link to publications, etc).


Quantum physics & engineering

Manu (
Hi! Iā€™m Manuel! Iā€™m going to be adding people to the physics/engineering/quantum feeds. Please respond below with evidence that you are working in this area in order to be added to the feeds. We are all excited to hear about what you do! teammates: /

Other Physics

PhysgalšŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ”¬ (
Hi I am Physgal and I will be adding physicists to the Science feed. Please respond below with evidence that you are a physicist to be added to the feed. teammates: /


Social sciences

Prof. EAGZ (
Hi, Iā€™m Emily and Iā€™ll be adding linguists and other social scientists to the Science šŸ§Ŗ feed! Reply here with links to your work (ORCID, Google Scholar, lab/department/professional website, etc) and Iā€™ll add you to the list. šŸ¦šŸ¦ [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Science communication/Photography/Journalists & other miscellaneous science topics


Other Languages

German, all topics

If you post in German please ask

Svenja Lohmann (
Hi, ich bin Svenja und ich fĆ¼ge Wissenschaftler*innen und Kommunikatoren, die Ć¼berwiegend auf Deutsch posten, zum Science Feed šŸ§Ŗhinzu. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt: Bitte lest euch zuerst die FAQ (verlinkt in Danis Post) durch und antwortet dann auf diesen Post mit entsprechendem Link!

How long until I get added?

There are A LOT of requests daily, so please bear with us. However, posts do get lost sometimes, the app is quite early days after all, so if you havenā€™t been notified that you have been added within 10 days of asking, feel free to nudge.

What are the rules of the science feed?

No misinformation

This means everything you post should be appropriately fact checked.

Keep it relevant to science

Part of the beauty of only posts with the emoji appearing is the feed is you can continue to post your baking, unhinged memes, non science related jokes and even nudes on your main feeds. If your post isnā€™t science relevant, please donā€™t put it in the feed*

Use alt text

Please add alt text to all your images. This means the visually impaired can still engage with our content. For advice on how to do good alt text, please see this thread:

You can also use to auto generate alt text for screenshots of text.

Credit images

Please do not share images without crediting the person who took/drew/made them. Where possible, tag the creator on bluesky.

If you are sharing links to scientific articles or popular science articles please explain a bit about what they are about in your post.*

Have fun!

If you donā€™t have fun you will be mercilessly ejected from the feed. I do make the rules, and this is our second most important one.

*for more details see ā€œwhat can I post in the feed?ā€ below

What can I post in the science feed?

We welcome the following types of posts, also probably some others that I canā€™t think of right now but you get the vibe:

  • Scientific papers
  • Popular science articles
  • News articles about sciency things
  • SciArt
  • Photography
  • Job ads
  • Book/merch plugs (as long as they are science related)
  • Science memes
  • Sciencey dad jokes
  • Crab šŸ¦€

Please donā€™t post papers or articles with no context. We want the feed to remain accessible and engaging.

For example instead of skeeting:

ā€œCool new paper about African wild dogs šŸ§Ŗā€

You should instead skeet something more along the lines of:

ā€œThis paper modeled the impact of climate change on a population of African wild dogs in Kenya. Once temperatures reached a certain threshold, the population collapsed šŸ¤Æ šŸ§Ŗā€

You are welcome to post in languages other than English, but be aware that only people with the language you are posting in turned on will see them**

**if you are interested in helping recruit people and moderate posts in other languages, please see ā€œhow can I help?ā€

Who can post in the science feed?

What do you mean by professional scientists and science communicators?

If you make any sort of money doing science, talking about science or creating sciency things then this feed is for you. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Lab techs
  • Industry scientists
  • Nature and space photographers
  • Grad students
  • Sciencey artists
  • Journalists covering science, tech and/or the environment
  • Journal accounts
  • Scientific societies
  • Authors
  • Academics

I am not a professional scientist or science communicator but want to contribute

In some cases we are happy to welcome people who fall outside this criteria, particularly those who are out of work due to disability or because they are retired. If you are an amateur nature or science photographer or artist you are also welcome to join, as long as you fact check any content shared alongside your photos/art.

Please tag if you fall outside the core criteria and she will be happy to chat to you and add you should you turn out to not be a weird flat earther or anything.

If you donā€™t meet these wider criteria we would love it if you would engage with posts in the feed by sharing and replying to them - just because you arenā€™t on the contributor list doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have cool chats with those that are :) This is a public resource for everyone to be able to find and communicate with people in the scientific field.

What subjects are included under Science?

Basically all of the things from Maths to Linguistics. Social scientists welcome.

What if I want to remain anonymous?

People can join the feed anonymously by providing their details through a contact form, but please flag your wish to do that under the pinned post to help with admin. You will then be provided with a link and what you need to submit.

What happens if I break the rules?

Dani will cry.


We operate on a good faith policy, you will get a reminder (or two) but if you continue to break the rules you will be removed from the feed. We take the no misinformation rule particularly seriously. Basically just donā€™t be a jerk.

How did the feed come about?

Dani wanted to bring the awesomeness of Science Twitter to Bluesky. This was early days so it was super hard to make a feed. She said ā€œWouldnā€™t it be great if someone made a science feed!ā€ until kindly stepped in and did all the hard work.

Bosset continues to maintain all the tech bits of the feed, while Dani builds and curates the community of scientists and scicommers that contribute.

Why the test tube?

Bossett chose the test tube. I (Dani) will fight anyone who moans about the test tube. This lovely person made a whole feed for us and hosts it FOR FREE. We will not be criticising his emoji choice.

How do I follow the feed?

  1. Go to ā€œFeedsā€ (left hand menu)
  2. Search ā€œScienceā€ under ā€œDiscover new feedsā€
  3. Select the feed
  4. Hit ā€œsaveā€
  5. To add it to your home feeds select ā€œpin to homeā€

How can I help?

Please like and subscribe to our feed! Liking the feed keeps in the top feeds on Bluesky, making it more searchable.

You can do this via the following:

  1. Go to ā€œFeedsā€ (left hand menu)
  2. Search ā€œScienceā€ under ā€œDiscover new feedsā€
  3. Select the feed
  4. Go to ā€œaboutā€
  5. Press the heart

Please help us keep a look out for misinformation and other rule infractions. If you see any, let know.

If you speak languages other than English, and would be interested in moderating and curating a list in your language, please let Dani know.

The feed is broken - what do I do?

Report it to Bossett and Dani and then Dani will go ā€˜oh noā€™ and Bossett will fix it when he has time.

Dani/one of the other mods is a pain in the ass so I blocked them - can I still post in the feed?

Sure, just let or one of the other mods know the situation and give evidence to him as above. They will probably share it with Dani but she wonā€™t be an ass about it - all legit scientists and scientists welcome regardless of their like or dislike for Dani and/or the other moderators. If you have blocked us all that's really on you at that point.

This also goes for people that have been blocked by Dani/the most relevant feed moderator to them.

What other feeds should I check out if I am into sciencey stuff?

You can find a list of science themed feeds, maintained by, here:

Special mention to the crab feed:

Bluesky maintains numerous taxon specific feeds, including mammals, birds, reptiles and marine life.